Mathematical center
Lecture of the Moscow Center for Fundamental and Applied Mathematics at INM RAS
On December 18, at 11:00, an interesting lecture will be held at the Department of the Mathematical Center of Fundamental and Applied Mathematics at the INM RAS (room 727) "Non-linear waves and cardiac arrythmias", prof. A.V. Panfilov (Ghent University). Presentation abstract
Lecture course of the Moscow Center for Fundamental and Applied Mathematics at INM RAS
December 5, 12, 19, 2019 from 15:50 to 17:10 at the Department of the Mathematical Center for Fundamental and Applied Mathematics at the INM RAS (room 727) Professor Pavel Berlov (Imperial College London) will give a mini-course of lectures "Acquaintance with geophysical hydrodynamics: review and selected topics".