Lecture at the Mathematical Center at INM RAS
Lecture by the International Mathematical Center “Moscow Center for Fundamental and Applied Mathematics” on the topic “On the functional equation A ◦ C = B ◦ D in rational functions” will be held at the INM RAS on Thursday, December 22nd, at 14:00. The speaker is Fedor Pakovich, Ben-Gurion University of Читать далее ..
Moscow Center of Fundamental and Applied Mathematics at INM RAS
3rd of December at INM RAS room 727 a report was presented: Dr. Nicholas Hatzizisis (Department of Mathematics & Applied Mathematics, University of Crete, Greece “The finite gap ansatz for the semiclassical focusing NLS equation with bell-shaped initial data” AbstractWe shall be interested in the finite gap ansatz for Читать далее ..
October 1, 2020, 17:15 a lecture by R.B. Berzegova , V.N. Kozhevnikov , M.K. Bedanokov "NOVOROSSIYSK BORA AS A PHENOMENON OF MOUNTAIN" will be held online at the seminar "Mathematical modeling of geophysical processes: direct and inverse problems". See details