International school conference on tensor methods in mathematics and artificial intelligence problems
The first International conference on tensor methods for mathematics and artificial intelligence was held at the Shenzhen MSU-BIT University. The educational part of the school was held from November 11th to 16th and included six mini-courses and four review lectures on various topics. Some of the most prominent scientists were Читать далее ..
The XVI Conference on “Mathematical Models and Numerical Methods in Biology and Medicine”
On October 31 and November 1st, the INM RAS will host the XVI Conference on Mathematical Models and Numerical Methods in Biology and Medicine. The conference aims to bring together researchers working in the fields of mathematical modeling in biology and medicine, to share their experiences, research findings, and recent Читать далее ..
Международная школа-конференция по тензорным методам в математике и задачах ИИ
Открыт конкурсный отбор на участие в международной школе-конференции по тензорным методам в математике и задачах искусственного интеллекта. Школа проводится совместно кафедрами ВТМ, НДСиПУ, ИВМ РАН и университетом МГУ-ППИ в Шэньчжене с 11 по 20 ноября 2024 года. Рабочий язык школы — английский. Дедлайн подачи заявок — 15 июня. Страница с Читать далее ..
The conference “Applied Mathematics in Immunology and Virology”
From November 14th to 18th, the Sirius Mathematical Center will host the international conference on “Applied Mathematics in Immunology and Virology“. This event is organized by colleagues from the Marchuk Institute for Numerical Mathematics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the S. L. Sobolev Institute for Mathematics of the Siberian Читать далее ..
Conference of International World-Class Mathematical Centers
Dear colleagues, on November 7-11, 2022, the second Conference of International Mathematical Centers in Russia will be held. The purpose of the conference is to bring together Russian mathematicians from various mathematical centers and beyond. This is the second such conference following the 2021 event held at the Sirius Mathematics Читать далее ..
Summer School “Matrix methods and Modeling in Life and Earth Sciences”
Admission to the summer school “Matrix Methods and Modeling in Life and Earth Sciences” at Sirius University of Science and Technology has been announced. The organizers of the event include the INM RAS, Moscow Center of Fundamental and Applied Mathematics, the Lomonosov Moscow State University, MIPT and Sechenov University. The Читать далее ..
Youth Conference of the International Mathematical Center
On December 24th, 2021 at 11:00 AM, IVM RAS (room 727) will host a Youth Conference organized by Moscow Center of Fundamental and Applied Mathematics. The conference will feature presentations from the 2021 fellows, providing an opportunity to share and discuss their research findings. All are welcome to attend. Conference Читать далее ..
Mathematical Models and Numerical Methods in Biomathematics
Sechenov University, together with INM RAS, with the support of the Moscow center for fundamental and applied mathematics at the INM RAS is holding a XII Conference on Mathematical Models and Numerical Methods in Biomathematics on November 2-3, 2020 (Online)
Russian-Chinese school on Mathematical Modeling and Parallel Computing
Sechenov University, together with the Shenzhen Institute of advanced technologies (SIAT), with the support of the Moscow center for fundamental and applied mathematics at the INM RAS (using the INM RAS cluster), is holding a Russian-Chinese school of Mathematical modeling and parallel computing on September 22-25, 2020 (online). See details
Rome-Moscow School of Matrix Methods and Applied Linear Algebra
Lomonosov Moscow State University, INM RAS and Moscow Center for Fundamental and Applied Mathematics are hold Seventh Rome-Moscow School of Matrix Methods and Applied Linear Algebra on August 24-29, 2020. Schedule of the online part of the Rome-Moscow school 2020 MOSCOW TIME Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 10 – 11 Читать далее ..