Marchuk Institute of Numerical Mathematics
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Marchuk Institute
of Numerical Mathematics RAS


Gubkin str., 8, Moscow, 119333, Russia.
tel.: (495) 984‑81‑20, (495) 989‑80‑24, fax: (495) 989‑80‑23, E‑mail:

  • Русский


  • Lecture at the Mathematical Center at INM RAS

    On Thursday, December 19th, at 2pm30 pm, the first lecture of the mini-course on optimization will be held at the INM RAS (room 727). The speaker of the course is Roland Hildebrand, Leading Researcher from MIPT. The course will consist of four lectures. The program of the course can be Читать далее ..

  • International school conference on tensor methods in mathematics and artificial intelligence problems

    The first International conference on tensor methods for mathematics and artificial intelligence was held at the Shenzhen MSU-BIT University. The educational part of the school was held from November 11th to 16th and included six mini-courses and four review lectures on various topics. Some of the most prominent scientists were Читать далее ..

  • Lecture at the Mathematical Center at INM RAS

    On Tuesday, November 6th, at 5pm in room 630, starts a series of lectures on the topic “Bifurcation in the Theory of Catastrophes“. The lecturer will be Prof. Susumu Tanabe from the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT). The purpose of this lecture series is to introduce the geometric Читать далее ..

  • The XVI Conference on “Mathematical Models and Numerical Methods in Biology and Medicine”

    On October 31 and November 1st, the INM RAS will host the XVI Conference on Mathematical Models and Numerical Methods in Biology and Medicine. The conference aims to bring together researchers working in the fields of mathematical modeling in biology and medicine, to share their experiences, research findings, and recent Читать далее ..

  • Lecture course “Introduction to Geophysical Hydrodynamics”

    With the support of the Moscow Center for Fundamental and Applied Mathematics, we are pleased to announce a course of lectures by Professor Pavel Berlov from Imperial College London on “Introduction to Geophysical Hydrodynamics”. The course will be held at the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology from September 25th Читать далее ..

  • Congratulations

    Congratulations to Alexey Liogky for winning the award for young mathematicians in Russia in the “Graduate Students” category! The official awarding ceremony for the winners took place at the opening of the IV Conference of Mathematical Centers in St. Petersburg. The award is sponsored by the Talent and Success Educational Читать далее ..

  • Lecture at the Mathematical Center at INM RAS

    On Tuesday, April 16th, at 2pm in room 630, starts a series of four lectures on the topic “Solutions in Mathematical Physics and Riemann Surfaces“. The lecturer will be Prof. Susumu Tanabe from the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT). The purpose of this lecture series is to explore Читать далее ..

  • Seminar at the Mathematical Center at INM RAS

    On Tuesday, March 12th, a seminar will be held by the International Mathematical Center “Moscow Center of Fundamental and Applied Mathematics” in room 727. At 12:00, Dr. Balakin Konstantin, a Doctor of Chemical Sciences from the MIPT and IPAC RAS, will speak on “The Place of Computer Technologies in the Modern Cycle of Drug Development“. He is the Head of the Innovative Drug Development Department at the HimRar Research Institute.  Читать далее ..

  • Lecture at the Mathematical Center at INM RAS

    On Monday, September 25th, at 11:00 am, a lecture by the International Mathematical Center “Moscow Center for Fundamental and Applied Mathematics” will take place at INM RAS. Professor Pavel Berloff from Imperial College London, UK, will present a report on the topic of “Hyperparameterization for Ocean Models”. All interested are Читать далее ..

  • Lecture at the Mathematical Center at INM RAS

    Lectures by the International Mathematical Center “Moscow Center for Fundamental and Applied Mathematics” on the topic “Machine Learning Methods in Applied Problems of Geophysics” will be held at the INM RAS on Monday, April 17th and Monday, April 24th. The speaker is Pavel Perezhogin, a Postdoctoral Associate at the Courant Читать далее ..