Marchuk Institute of Numerical Mathematics
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Marchuk Institute
of Numerical Mathematics RAS


Gubkin str., 8, Moscow, 119333, Russia.
tel.: (495) 984‑81‑20, (495) 989‑80‑24, fax: (495) 989‑80‑23, E‑mail:

  • Русский

Mathematical center

  • Seminar by International Mathematical Center

    On Tuesday, October 26th, at 11:00 am in the 727 auditorium, we will have a presentation by Professor Sergei Grudsky from the Department of Mathematics at CINVESTAV-IPN in Mexico. The topic of the presentation is “Eigenvalue Clusters of Large Banded Toeplitz Matrices“. The presentation will be broadcast via Zoom. Abstract.Toeplitz Читать далее ..

  • Lecture “Mesoscale Ocean Circulation and Earth Climate”

    In April 2021, a course of four lectures by Igor Vladimirovich Kamenkovich (Professor, Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science) will be delivered at the Moscow Center for Fundamental and Applied Mathematics at the INM RAS. Course “Mesoscale Ocean Circulation and Earth Climate” The course is aimed at a broad Читать далее ..

  • Mathematical Models and Numerical Methods in Biomathematics

    Sechenov University, together with INM RAS, with the support of the Moscow center for fundamental and applied mathematics at the INM RAS is holding a XII Conference on Mathematical Models and Numerical Methods in Biomathematics on November 2-3, 2020 (Online)    

  • Russian-Chinese school on Mathematical Modeling and Parallel Computing

    Sechenov University, together with the Shenzhen Institute of advanced technologies (SIAT), with the support of the Moscow center for fundamental and applied mathematics at the INM RAS (using the INM RAS cluster), is holding a Russian-Chinese school of Mathematical modeling and parallel computing on September 22-25, 2020 (online). See details

  • Rome-Moscow School of Matrix Methods and Applied Linear Algebra

    Lomonosov Moscow State University, INM RAS and Moscow Center for Fundamental and Applied Mathematics are hold Seventh Rome-Moscow School of Matrix Methods and Applied Linear Algebra on August 24-29, 2020. Schedule of the online part of the Rome-Moscow school 2020 MOSCOW TIME Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 10 – 11 Читать далее ..

  • Lecture of the Moscow Center for Fundamental and Applied Mathematics at INM RAS

    March 16, 2020, 16:40 a lecture by Sergei Grudsky (CINCISTAV, Mexico) “Eigenvalues of large Teplitz matrices: an asymptotic approach” will be held at the The faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics of Lomonosov Moscow State University (508 room) at the seminar Of the Department of the Moscow Center for Fundamental and Applied Mathematics at INM RAS and the joint laboratory of INM-HUAWEI " Mathematics and communication technologies"  

  • RSA-232 number has been factored

    INM RAS and Moscow Center for Fundamental and Applied Mathematics at INM RAS researchers N. L. Zamarashkin and D. A. Zheltkov in collaboration with Skoltech researcher S. A. Matveev have factored RSA-232 number using LMSU supercomputer "Lomonosov" and Skoltech supercomputer "Zhores":


  • Lecture of the Moscow Center for Fundamental and Applied Mathematics at INM RAS

    February 12, 2020, 13:30 p.m. a lecture by Mikhail Tyaglov (Shanghai Jiao Tong University) “Root location of polynomials with totally nonnegative Hurwitz matrix” will be held at the INM RAS (727 room). 

  • Lecture of the Moscow Center for Fundamental and Applied Mathematics at INM RAS

    January 15, 2020, 12:00 p.m. a lecture by David B. Sahakyan (Yerevan Institute of Physics) “Evolution of fluctuating properties, statistical physics, informational thermodynamics: about some obvious problems of the modern theory of evolution” will be held at the INM RAS (727 room).

  • Open Call

    Moscow Center for Fundamental and Applied Mathematics at the INM RAS announces the 2020 contests in five nominations (without deadlines). The requirements for each are described below. The application is written in free form, but must explain compliance with the requirements. Applications in pdf format are accepted at Young Читать далее ..