Marchuk Institute of Numerical Mathematics
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Marchuk Institute
of Numerical Mathematics RAS


Gubkin str., 8, Moscow, 119333, Russia.
tel.: (495) 984‑81‑20, (495) 989‑80‑24, fax: (495) 989‑80‑23, E‑mail:

  • Русский

RSA-232 number has been factored

INM RAS and Moscow Center for Fundamental and Applied Mathematics at INM RAS researchers N. L. Zamarashkin and D. A. Zheltkov in collaboration with Skoltech researcher S. A. Matveev have factored RSA-232 number using LMSU supercomputer “Lomonosov” and Skoltech supercomputer “Zhores”:






Polinomial selection, sieving, filtering and square root computation steps have been done by CADO-NFS library.

Linear system over GF(2) has been solved by INM RAS parallel block Lanczos-Montgomery algorithm. Matrix of the linear system has about 317 millions of rows and column with average 170 nonzero elements per row. Computational cost of linear system solution step is 50 core-years on Intel Xeon Gold 6136 processor.

Details will be published in forthcoming scientific paper.