Marchuk Institute of Numerical Mathematics
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Marchuk Institute
of Numerical Mathematics RAS


Gubkin str., 8, Moscow, 119333, Russia.
tel.: (495) 984‑81‑20, (495) 989‑80‑24, fax: (495) 989‑80‑23, E‑mail:

  • Русский

Seminar at the Mathematical Center at INM RAS

On Tuesday, March 12th, a seminar will be held by the International Mathematical Center “Moscow Center of Fundamental and Applied Mathematics” in room 727.

At 12:00, Dr. Balakin Konstantin, a Doctor of Chemical Sciences from the MIPT and IPAC RAS, will speak on “The Place of Computer Technologies in the Modern Cycle of Drug Development. He is the Head of the Innovative Drug Development Department at the HimRar Research Institute. 

And at 12:45, Dmitry Shkil will present “Artificial Intelligence in Solvingthe Problems of Drug Molecule Discovery. Shkil is a researcher at the MIPT and a scientific consultant for ChemDiv Inc.